Italian lemons! |
Compare airfare on several sites for a while before purchasing tickets e.g. on cheaptickets.com
- Fly into one city and out of
another to save yourself a train ride at the end of the trip
- Make copies of all travel documents and store copies in at least two different places
- Buy local currency before departing or upon arrival for transportation, gratuities, meals, transfers
- Consider getting short term travel insurance
- Buy train tickets 2-3 days in advance of holiday weekends
- Pack extra camera memory cards and charger
- Upload complete itinerary in case baggage is lost
- Only pack comfortable shoes and lightweight clothing that will dry easily overnight
- Check local weather conditions and travel alerts for your destination(s)
- Purchase an international phone card before departing, store information/number in travel pouch
- Keep a journal of travel memories, favorite places visited and new friend contacts
- Buy postcards at grocery or discount stores instead of street vendors
- Bring a list of addresses and pre printed address labels for sending postcards
- Pack light, roll up clothes to take up less space, and prepare a carry on bag one week ahead (this size fits overhead bin 9" × 22" × 14")
- Bring an extra travel pouch or day pack for walking tours, hiking, outdoor activities
- Once you arrive locate a laundry mat or ask hotel about in house laundry service
- Hotels will usually store luggage and documents for you
- Other items to pack: insect repellent, small flashlight, toiletries, dry shampoo, laundry detergent, luggage lock, earplugs, eye mask, stain remover wipes, hand sanitizer, first aid kit, medicines, vitamins, plastic bags, travel pillow, sewing kit, mini pack of tissues, glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, travel alarm clock, day pack, note paper and pens, travel size air freshener for linens/pillows, jacket, scarf, hat, sun visor, sunscreen, flip flops, small towel/washcloth, poncho or small umbrella
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Travel - 2013 Tours of Europe
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